Claudio Monteverdi
Orfeo, SV 318, Act 3: Sinfonia - "Scorto da te mio nume" (Orchestra, Orfeo, Speranza, Caronte)
- Composer
Claudio Monteverdi
- Artist
Sergio Vartolo
Angela Bucci
Orfeo Orchestra
William Matteuzzi
Gianpaolo Dal Dosso
Claudio Monteverdi
- Release
- 2009
- NLY330905788
- Instruments
- Composer, Conductor and 3 others
- Vocal
- No
- Genres
- Classical
- Duration
- 10:43
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Please contact Charissa Lord, she will gladly tell you all about it
Charissa Lord
1 album
Claudio Monteverdi
Monteverdi: Complete Operas